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    المكتبة الرياضية » رسائل » The effect of collective exercises shows on some factors of motor creative and coordinative abilities for students

    The effect of collective exercises shows on some factors of motor creative and coordinative abilities for students

    09 مايو 2011, 16:16
    3 374
    The effect of collective exercises shows on some factors of motor creative and coordinative abilities for students

     The effect of collective exercises shows on some factors of motor creative and coordinative abilities for students  Faculty of Sports Education-Mansoura University


    Hazem Ahmed Mohammed Elsayed

    Demonstrator in curriculum & Teaching Methods of sports education Dept Faculty  of sports Education In Damietta 

     Among the requirements to Attain Master Degree in Physical Education


    Mohammed Mersal Hamad 

    professor in Department

    Curriculum & Teaching methods of sports Education and vice dean of education and student’s affairs Faculty of sports education - Mansoura University


    Khaled Faried Ezat 

     Lecturer in Department

    Curriculum & Teaching methods of sports Education- Mansoura University




    ''The effect of collective exercises shows on some factors of motor creative and coordinative abilities for students Faculty of Sports Education-Mansoura University''


    Introduction and research problem

    Sports education and sport, with its educational meaning and recent philosophy which are on the line of science and art activities development which are characterized by variations, efficiency and motion, became an effective and positive way for total and complete individual social, culture, psychological and skilful preparations according to subjective point of view.

    Sports shows are considered as one of the most important signs of ceremonies in many countries, where it is one of the best and most successful ways in showing the society culture and extent of development in all fields. Recently, the countries knew the great importance of sports shows, not only locally,  but internationally in political, economical and thinking fields.

    Exercise shows are one of the sports shows which depend mainly on motor show in continuous performance. In smooth manner, paying attention to connect motors together with the beautiful shape and amazing motors which include wide motors and collective pace.

    Collective exercises are one of the comprehensive educational tools and personality balanced growth which has a positive effect on the personality.

     Physical sports, which forms exercise shows, develop the individual physical fitness. When these physical sports are collected as a show, they not only affect the physical development but also affect the mind regarding thinking and creation in the motor field.

    Sports activities, in which the individual can create, are the activities that give wide area of technical performance, so it became unlimited by special motor or performance obligatory law, this did not activate the individual creativity.

    The researcher show that, the collective exercises shows are one of the best activities which give wide area of freedom of technical performance, where it gives rein to the imagination of the individual to reach unfamiliar way in connecting the show components regarding tools, colors, motions, music, clothes, forms and also creativity in the idea of the show itself.

    Sports Shows have a great influence on physical and motor slides, including coordinative abilities, which are related directly to coordination, where it affect it also affecting by it . so coordinative abilities became necessary and basic to all sports activities.

    Finally, the researcher found that, the collective exercises shows have a very important and effective role in individual personality building in balanced manner.

      Rarity of researches which deal with the effect of collective exercises shows on motor creative, instead of this they concentrate on the physiological side, physical fitness and ethical considerations.

    Rarity of researches which deal with improvement of coordinative abilities by collective exercises shows, instead of they concentrate on this improvement by traditional exercises.

    All these factors foreword the researcher to discover the effect of collective exercises shows on some factors of motor creative( motor fluency, motor flexibility and motor originality) and some of coordinative abilities of sharing individuals .


    Research Aim:

    This research tends to indicate the effect of collective exercises shows on some factors of creative motors to students Faculty of Physical of Sport Education University of Mansoura through:

    1- Design of collective exercise show

    2- Determination of the effect of collective exercises shows on some factors of motor creative( motor fluency, motor flexibility and motor originally).

    3- Determination of the effect of proposed collective exercise show on the improvement some of the coordinative abilities through the research.

    Research Hypotheses :


    1- There are assumption of statistical significance among the preceding and dimensional measurements for the control and experimental groups in some factors of creative motors and coordinative abilities for the benefit of dimensional measurement.  

    2- There are assumption of statistical significance among the preceding and dimensional measurements for the control group in some factors of creative motors and coordinative abilities for the benefit of dimensional measurement. 

     3- There are assumption of statistical significance among the middle-indices after of experimental and control groups to learn some technical skills, rhythmic Exercises ribbon for the dimensional measurement of the pilot .

    the preceding and dimensional measurements for the control and experimental groups in some factors of creative motors and experimental group.


    Research Procedures :

    Action research :


    The Researcher used the experimental approach to the relevance of the nature of research , has been chosen as one of its designs with preceding and dimensional measurement of both the control and experimental groups


    Society and the research sample :

    The research community Includes the first year students of the faculty of physical education in Damietta for the academic year 2009/2010 and its number(68) , and the research's sample has been chosen by the deliberate random method and intentional way of the numbers (40) stydents , and divided into two equal experimental the first included (20) student has shared in collective exercises show and the other officer , including (20) of non sharing students.


    Tools Of Data Collection :  

    First : the tools appropriate to the nature of research . 

    -         Survey

    -         Observation

    -         Interviews

    -         Measurements and tests

    -         Assistants


    Research experience :

    Preceding Measurements have been done for control and experimental groups at the period from 10/11/2009 to 12/11/2009.

    Study Application has been done by collective exercise show on the experimental group at the period from 14/11/2009 to 16/2/2010.

    Dimensional Measurements have been done for control and experimental groups at the period from 18/2/2010 to 19/2/2010 as in the preceding.


    Statistical treatment:

    Researcher used the following statistical methods to deal with statistical data, statistical methods and the use of the following :

    • the arithmetic average  -
    • the mediator .
    • Standard deviation
    • Factor sprains .
    • Correlation coefficient .
    • Test (v) T.test .
    • The proportion of improvement .

    Conclusions and Recommendations : 

    First : Conclusions :

    In light of the objectives and hypotheses for research and scientific basis of the procedures associated with the subject of research and its findings through the application and statistical treatment , the researcher has reached . 

    1. 1- The best factors of creativity are motor fluency, motor flexibility and motor originality.  
    2. 2-The best coordinative abilities are motor connective ability, balance preservation, pace ability,  quickly response and adaptation with variations..  
    3. 3-Collective exercises show showed a positive effect in coordinative abilities for experimental group.  
    4. 4- Collective exercises show showed a positive effect in creative factors for experimental group. 
    5. 5- The experimental group has surpassed the control group in the improvement rates for both motor creative and coordinative abilities.
    6. Second : Recommendations : 
    7. 1- Applying the proposed collective exercise show in improvement motor creative for students of faculty of physical education.  
    8. 2- Learning the coordinative abilities of collective exercises show to students of faculty of physical education.   
    9. 3-Using the design tests for measuring the parameters of motor creative and coordinative abilities. 
    10. 4- Doing more studies and researches on students of the faculty of physical education by using single or doubled exercises.  
    11. 5- Doing more studies and researches which lead to building of tests batteries for motor creative for different stages.

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