Complete Calisthenics - The Ultimate Guide To Bodyweight Exercise pdf

Complete Calisthenics - The Ultimate Guide To Bodyweight Exercise
by Ashley Kalym
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COMPLETE CALISTHENICS - The Ultimate Guide To Bodyweight Exercise. This book shows you how to build strength, power, athleticism, and astounding physical ability using only your bodyweight as the resistance. Relying on virtually no equipment, this book promises to be the most comprehensive and detailed bodyweight exercise manual on the market today. Learn how to perform many different types of push-up, pull-up, core exercise, lower body exercise, and conditioning movement, and in the process develop the strongest and most capable physique ever.
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An abbreviated list of content includes: a huge number of push-up exercises and variations, a huge number of pull-up exercises and variations, a complete guide to learning the planche, a complete guide to learning the front lever, back lever, and human flag, a complete guide to learning handstands and handstand push-ups, a detailed look at muscle-ups and their variations, a huge number of core exercises showing how to build colossal core strength, extensive leg training and conditioning section, detailed exercise descriptions and teaching points for every movement, over 500 photographs showing the exercises from every angle, nutritional advice and sample diets and plans, equipment guide, comprehensive training program section catering for every level of ability, learn how to create your own programs, large mobility, flexibility, and physical preparation section, and much, much more!
* Published April 15th 2014 by Createspace

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